==== 20170129 ==== Bratislava - Brno - Havličkův Brod - Chotěboř \\ That morning it started to snow again. Fine layers of white dust-like snow was covering the world in a thin almost transparent skin. On the way back home, something that seemed like a snowstorm was shaking the train once in a while even. From Havličkův Brod on, the snowing had stopped and suddenly the air got thinner, with a faint blue tint in the grey cover. Though the temperatures were still -7 to -9˚C, the wind was dropping and it felt comfortable walking the last stretch. The train was late. A message in the train said: "The train has been delayed due to the turnaround train being delayed." Now we know. {{weatherreports:20170129-1505.jpg?300}} {{weatherreports:20170129-1630.jpg?300}} {{weatherreports:20170129-1631.jpg?300}}