==== 20170212 ==== Hranice \\ http://www.openstreetmap.org/note/157043#map=17/49.76400/15.69060&layers=N {{weatherreports:20170212_151905.jpg?300|}} {{weatherreports:20170212_162305.jpg?300|}} {{weatherreports:20170212_164949.jpg?300|}} For the first time in more than a month temperatures got above 0˚C. The snow is melting rapidly. Today there was a fierce wind. Forgot the direction and forces. The barometer is rising slowly. The moles are digging so it means better weather is approaching. In Vlasta's barn in Víska I discovered this self made pila/chainsaw from pre-revolutionary times. Oberhof \\ http://www.openstreetmap.org/search?query=oberhof#map=13/50.7050/10.7470 Snow-covered trees in Oberhof at 02:56 p.m. at a height of 815 m. {{weatherreports:20170212-1456-oberhof-_height-815m_.jpg?300|}}