==== 20170511 ==== Hopfgarten (dam near Weimar) http://www.openstreetmap.org/search?query=50.9970%2C11.2088#map=15/50.9970/11.2088 05:30 a.m. - mostly clear, waxing moon (full moon 2017/05/10)\\ 07:40 a.m. - clear, sunshine, + 12° C\\ 06:00 p.m. - slightly cloudy, sunshine, + 21° C\\ {{weatherreports:20170511-0723-mamertius-eisheiligen.jpg?300|}} {{weatherreports:20170511-0835-mamertius-eisheiligen.jpg?300|}} {{weatherreports:20170511-0855-mamertius-eisheiligen.jpg?300|}} The first of the five //Eisheiligen// (Icesaints) - //The Holy Mamertius//. It was a nice dry and warm morning at Hopfgarten (Thuringia), so that the coots had fun in the water. {{weatherreports:20170511-0740-hopfgarten-birds-fulica-atra.wav|}} The five memorial days:\\ 11th of May - Mamertus, Bishop of Vienna\\ 12th of May - Pankratius, early Christian Martyrs\\ 13th of May - Servatius, Bishop of Tongeren\\ 14th of May - Bonifatius (of Tarsus), early Christian Martyrs\\ 15th of May - Sophia (of Rom), early Christian Martyrs and mother of three consecrated virgins\\ After //Sophia// the nights should remain warmer. It's best to wait with the planting (sensitive plants) until she has past. As the popular german saying goes: „Die kalte Sophie macht alles hie“ (approximately: //Cold Sophie// makes everything broken)\\