====== BirdSongs: a score for a choir and audience ====== ===== The Score Building Method ===== * field recordings (example: http://kra.land/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/reveil-20200503-hranice.ogg) * analysis of sound properties * analysis of perceived sequences * permutations and movements In our surrounding we have recognized on our recordings the following birds, with the help of the fabulous BIRDnet Cornell University software, https://birdnet.cornell.edu/: * Barn Swallow / Vlaštovka Obecná [Hirundo Rustica] * Black Redstart / Rehek Domácí [Phoenicurus Ochruros] * Blackbird / Kos Černý [Turdus Merula] * Brown Owl / Puštík Obecný [Strix Aluco] * Carrion Crow / Vrána černá [Corvus corone] * Chiffchaff / Budníček Menší [Phylloscopus Collybita] * Common Buzzard / Káně lesní [Buteo buteo] * Common Cuckoo / Kukačka Obecná Eurasijská [Cuculus Canorus] * Common house martin / Jiřička obecná [Delichon urbicum] * Common kingfisher / Ledňáček říční [Alcedo atthis] * Common Nightingale / Slavík Obecný [Luscinia Megarhynchos] * Common Redstart / Rehek Zahradní [Phoenicurus Phoenicurus] * Common Starling / špaček Obecný [Sturnus Vulgaris] * Common Swift / Rorýs Obecný [Apus Apus] * Corn Bunting / Strnad Luční [Emberiza calandra] * Eurasian Blackcap / Pěnice Černohlavá Evropská [Sylvia Atricapilla Atricapilla] * Eurasian Blue Tit / Sýkora Modřinka [Cyanistes Caeruleus] * Eurasian reed warbler / Rákosník obecný [Acrocephalus Scirpaceus] * Eurasian skylark / skřivan polní [Alauda arvensis] * Eurasian Tree Sparrow / Vrabec Polní Eurosibiřský [Passer Montanus] * Eurasian Wren / Střízlík Obecný Evropský [Troglodytes Troglodytes] * Eurasian Wryneck / Krutihlav Hnedý [Jinx Torquilla] * European Goldfinch / Stehlík Obecný [Carduelis Carduelis] * European Greenfinch / Zvonek Zelený [Chloris Chloris] * European Robin / Červenka Obecná [Erithacus Rubecula] * Golden Oriole / Žluva Hajní [Oriolus Oriolus] * Great Tit / Sýkora Koňadra [Parus Major] * Great-spotted Woodpecker / Strakapoud velký [Dendrocopos major] * Grey heron / Volavka popelavá [Ardea cinerea] * Icterine warbler / Sedmihlásek Hajní [Hippolais Icterina] * Mallard duck / Kachna divoká [Anas platyrhynchos] * Mute Swan / Labuť velká [Cygnus olor] * Peregrine Falcon / Sokol stěhovavý [Falco peregrinus] * Ring-necked Pheasant / Bažant obecný [Phasianus colchicus] * Sand Martin / Břehule říční [Riparia riparia] * Song Thrush / Drozd Zpěvný [Turdus Philomelos] * Spotted Flycatcher / Lejsek šedý Sardinský [Muscicapa Striata] * Tawny Owl / Puštík obecný [Strix aluco] * Western Yellow Wagtail / Konipas luční [Motacilla Flava] * White Stork / Čáp bílý [Ciconia ciconia] * White-backed Woodpecker / Strakapoud Bělohřbetý [Dendrocopos Leucotos] * White-tailed eagle / Orel mořský [Haliaeetus albicilla] * Willow Warbler / Budníček Větší [Phylloscopus Trochilus Acredula] * Yellowhammer / Strnad Obecný Evropský [Emberiza Citrinella] The sounds are further analyzed on their spectral/time characteristics, and related to one another in a KNN (neighbouring) map. \\ The spatial distributions allow us to create dense sound patterns, which are accessed via the DvaMetri choreography (see there). (see below illustrations) \\ {{:fanfaragdansk:plotmubu-1.png?300|}} {{:fanfaragdansk:plotmubu-2.png?300|}} For nowwe are using the Max-MSP libraries from Ircam: [[http://ismm.ircam.fr/mubu/|MUBU]]. Repository of 3 listening scores for Laznia Gdansk 20220916: * Score A, wav-format {{ :themarchingarts:thebacktrackbirdsongs-a.wav | Score A, wav-format}} * Score A, mp3-format{{ :themarchingarts:thebacktrackbirdsongs-a.wav | Score A, mp3-format}} * Score B, wav-format{{ :themarchingarts:thebacktrackbirdsongs-b.wav | Score B, wav-format}} * Score B, mp3-format{{ :themarchingarts:thebacktrackbirdsongs-b.wav | Score B, mp3-format}} * Score C, wav-format{{ :themarchingarts:thebacktrackbirdsongs-c.wav | Score C, wav-format}} * Score C, mp3-format{{ :themarchingarts:thebacktrackbirdsongs-c.mp3 | Score C, mp3-format}}