===== TaskList WeatherReports 2017 ===== //WindClock III development:// * set up a constant connection with python, websockets, html5 (got stuck here for some time) * add waterproof temperature and ambient light sensors, went fine * make the first wind capturing object (the rodchenko inspiraLtion) * make sonification/visualisation in python on the pi (py-sound+leds) * max-msp: websockets receive, basic synthesis modules * subtractive noise filter * additive fm * karplus strong * formants * granular, phase vocoding, ... * some machine learning on the data //Weather Reports recording, describing, imagining, synthesis: // * working now on openstreetmaps.org, how to add GPX tracks in layers, and put all the material there * edit and upload this month's recordings * make night recordings, walking in the snow, hear frogs and crickets, birds, wind * night pictures add, descriptions invent //Managing Creativity: // * travels: brno (babuta, soña) and bratislava (jonas, monika, slavo, miro), athens (pre-opening) * communication with other WeatherCorrespondents, Greece crew make, Budapest and Warsawa contacts * financial status and overview * finalize WindClock III prototype, probably with a cheaper Teensy technology * multiplace server connect all