====== TubÓtech ====== TubÓtech describes a way of working with sound, connected from anywhere to resonant bodies in open fields. There is a [[tTD | TubÓtech Technical Description]], a [[tPMS | TubÓtech Problem-Maker as a Problem-Solver]], a repository of ideas and realisations: listen to the [[SecSM | stream of expressivity, consciousness, and sound! there is music]]. {{:tubotech01.jpg?300|}} {{:tube-package-inside.jpg?300|}} {{:dobravka-tube.jpg?300|}} ====== Oh! Roura! Au Roara, ====== Creativity is only expressivity of our relationships to the environment we perceive. \\ This never ending composition is based on the following 'Some Principles for Compositions about Nature': * AddingCulture * DecoratingCulture * DumpingCulture * PoweringCulture * RecoveringCulture * ResistingCulture * CompressingCulture * FlowingCulture * GeneratingCulture * MinimalizingCulture * MirroringCulture * SurfacingCulture * (Un)RavelCulture Each of these relationships can be explored and expressed in a longer improvisation with parts, themes, techniques that make sense within an expressive environment. But here are the illustrations to give you an idea.. {{:nadrz:addingculture.jpg?200|}} {{:nadrz:decoratingculture.jpg?200|}} {{:nadrz:dumpingculture.jpg?200|}} {{:nadrz:poweringculture.jpg?200|}} {{:nadrz:recoveringculture.jpg?200|}} {{:nadrz:resistingculture.jpg?200|}} {{:nadrz:compressingculture.jpg?200|}} {{:nadrz:flowingculture.jpg?200|}} {{:nadrz:generatingculture.jpg?200|}} {{:nadrz:minimalizingculture.jpg?200|}} {{:nadrz:mirroringculture.jpg?200|}} {{:nadrz:surfacingculture.jpg?200|}} ====== Weather Reports ====== Clockmakers (Time Inventors' Kabinet) we are, and fascinated by time and natural phenomena. More WeatherReports will follow. ====== Succour ====== [[Succour]] is a piece that is set in 2059-2064, when everything is and is done differently...