===== From G. -- WEATHER REPORTS LITERATURE (20170505-0816) ===== NONFICTION \\ * Napier Shaw - The Drama of Weather * Peter Moore - The Weather Experiment: The Pioneers Who Sought to See the Future * Sebastian Junger - The perfect storm * Daniel Defoe - The storm [https://archive.org/stream/novelsandmiscel15defogoog#page/n257/mode/2up] and [https://ebooks.adelaide.edu.au/d/defoe/daniel/storm/complete.html] * Ruskin, “Present State of Meteorological Science” (1839) * John Ruskin, “Storm Cloud of the Nineteenth Century” (1884) [https://www.gutenberg.org/files/20204/20204-h/20204-h.htm] * Howard, Essay on the Modification of Clouds (1803)[https://archive.org/stream/essayonmodifica00howagoog] * Pretor-Pinney, The Cloudspotter’s Guide: The Science, History, and Culture of Clouds (2007) * Tung-Hui Hu - A Prehistory of the Cloud [https://mitpress.mit.edu/prehistory-cloud] * Alexandra Harris - Weatherland: Writers and Artists under English Skies * Lorraine Daston, “Cloud Physiognomy” (2016) [http://rep.ucpress.edu/content/135/1/45] * Paul Edwards, “Meteorology as Infrastructural Globalism” * Mary Jacobus, “Cloud Studies: The Visible Invisible,” Journal of the Imaginary and the Fantastic 1:3 (2009) * Alfred Stieglitz, “Equivalents” (sky photographs from the 1920s) * Jan Klage, "Wetter macht Geschichte", Frankfurter Allgem. Buch, Frankfurt, 2003 (The influence of the weather on the course of history) * Wolfgang Friese, „Sferics – faszinierende natürliche Radiowellen“ Funkamateur Bibliothek 18, Box 73 Amateurfunkservice Berlin, 2007. (Handbook about emergence of thunderstorms, lightnings and sferics) * Günther D. Roth "Wetter für alle - Was man über unser Wetter wissen muss", BLV, München, 1995 * F.C.Delius, "Der Held und sein Wetter - Ein Kunstmittel und sein ideologischer Gebrauch im Roman des bürgerlichen Realismus" Wallstein Verlag. Göttingen, 2011. (Dissertation about heros and their weather, by analyzing 60 novels) * William J. Burroughs "Naturerlebnisführer : Wolken, Wind und Wetter" Mosaik Verlag, München, 1999 (About clouds, weather encyclopaedia and climatic phenomena) * Dieter Walch and Ernst Neukamp "Wolken, Wetter - Wetterentwicklung erkennen und vorhersagen. Mit Anleitungen für die eigene regionale Wetterprognose", GU Gräfe u. Unzer, 1989 ( * E. Hoffmann-Krayer, H. Bächtold-Stäubli, Handwörterbuch des deutschen Aberglaubens, Berlin und Leipzig, 1932. Excerpt about country lores- Database for european ethnology: [http://www.sagen.at/doku/hda/bauernregeln.html] * Wolf Dieter Blümel, "20000 Jahre Klimawandel und Kulturgeschichte - von der Eiszeit in die Gegenwart" [https://elib.uni-stuttgart.de/bitstream/11682/1636/1/bluemel.pdf ] POEMS \\ * Ambrose Bierce, “Weather” (1906) [http://www.yourdailypoem.com/listpoem.jsp?poem_id=937] * Emily Dickinson, “The Sky is low” [https://allpoetry.com/The-sky-is-low,-the-clouds-are-mean,] * Ralph Waldo Emerson, “The Snowstorm” [https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poems-and-poets/poems/detail/45872] * Robert Frost “Tree at My Window” [http://www.internal.org/Robert_Frost/Tree_at_my_Window] * Baudelaire, “The Stranger” [“L’étranger” http://bacdefrancais.net/etranger-baudelaire.php] * mcClatchy “A Winter Without Snow”[https://www.poets.org/poetsorg/poem/winter-without-snow] * Goethe “Atmosphere” [http://gutenberg.spiegel.de/buch/gedichte-ausgabe-letzter-hand-7129/285] * Richardson, “Essay on Clouds” (2015) [http://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2015/02/02/essay-clouds] * mary Shelley, “The Cloud” (1820) [https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poems-and-poets/poems/detail/45117] * William Wordsworth, “I Wandered as Lonely as a Cloud” [https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poems-and-poets/poems/detail/45521] * Herbert und Cornelia Morper Bräutigam, „Natursymbolik in der japanischen Lyrik“ In: Herbert und Cornelia Morper Bräutigam – über den ziehenden Wolken der Fuji (Japanische Kunst). Schloss Friedenstein, 2000. (Old japanese poems and german translations) * Hans Magnus Enzensberger, „Die Geschichte der Wolken. 99 Meditationen" Suhrkamp. Frankfurt am Main, 2003. * Hans Magnus Enzensberger, "Natürliche Gedichte" Insel-Verlag. Leipzig, 2004. (Insel Bücherei Nr. 1257) * Charitas Jenny-Ebeling, „Wolken. Gedanken des Himmels“ Gedichte, Prosa und farbige Bilder - Ausgewählt und mit einem Nachwort versehen von Charitas Jenny-Ebeling (Insel Verlag, Insel Taschenbuch, 1871. Frankfurt am Main und Leipzig, 1997. * Werner Richey, Michael Strich, "Sage nichts schlimmes vom Jahr, bevor es vorüber" In: "Der Honig ist nicht weit vom Stachel" Koehler & Amelang. Leipzig, 1984. (Collection of german folk sayings) * Rabindranath Tagore, Der zunehmende Mond (1915) (with a few of weatherpoems) [http://www.gutenberg.org/files/38125/38125-h/38125-h.htm] NOVELS \\ * Mark Twain “The American Claimant” 1892 [No weather will be found in this book,” ] and [http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/3179] * Ray Bradbury - The day it rained forever, also: A sound of thunder * Herman Melville - The lightning-rod man [http://www.melville.org/lrman.htm] * Joseph Conrad - Typhoon [http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/1142] * Ian mcEwan - Solar RELATED \\ * Atwood - the year of the flood * Orhan Pamuk - Snow * Virginia Woolf - To the lighthouse * Shakespeare: The Tempest * Aristophanes, The Clouds * Raymmond Queneau, "The Aerodynamic Properties of Addition" Essay, english translation: [http://www.faculty.ucr.edu/~reck/Queneau(translation).pdf] * Heinz Rölleke, "Sagen aus Niedersachsen - Das Unwetter" In: "Das große Deutsche Sagenbuch" Albatros-Verlag, 2001. [http://gutenberg.spiegel.de/buch/sagen-aus-niedersachsen-50/23] CHILDREN BOOKS \\ * Jack Prelutsky's It's Snowing! It's Snowing * Eve Merriam "Showers Clearing Later in the Day" * Tresselt, Alvin. Hide and Seek Fog * Jacqueline Briggs Martin: Snowflake Bentley ===== WEBLINKS ===== \\ CLIMATE CHANGE \\ * Potsdam Istitute For Climate Impact Research (long-term meteorological station Potsdam Telegraphenberg)[https://www.pik-potsdam.de/research/earth-system-analysis] * Potsdam Istitute For Climate Impact Research - Climate & weather Potsdam (inter alia: Current weather, Remarkable weather situations, weather analyses) [https://www.pik-potsdam.de/services/climate-weather-potsdam] * Climate Action Tracker [http://climateactiontracker.org/] * Deutsches Klima Konsortium / DKK (climate research) [http://www.klima-konsortium.de/startseite.html] CLOUDS \\ * Wolkenatlas [http://www.wolken-online.de/] * Karlsruher Wolkenatlas (photographs of clouds and weather) [http://www.wolkenatlas.de] * Wolkenatlas FU Berlin [http://userpage.fu-berlin.de/madlen22/wolkenquiz.php] WEATHER \\ * Weatherarchiv (Login needed) [http://de.meteoarchive.com/de/wetterarchiv.html] * Weatherhistory, Weatherforcast, Weathercams, Weatherexikon [http://www.top-wetter.de/wetter/wetterhistorie.shtml] * Weatherstations [http://wetterstationen.meteomedia.de/] * Deutscher Wetterdienst [http://www.dwd.de/DE/Home/home_node.html] * [http://www.wetter.de/welt] * [http://www.wetter.net/kontinent/weltwetter.html] * [http://www.wetter.info/weltwetter/17846376] SPACE WEATHER \\ * [https://www.nasa.gov/] * [https://science.nasa.gov/science-news/science-at-nasa/2014/10jun_solarminimax/] * [http://www.swpc.noaa.gov/] * [https://www.spaceweatherlive.com/de/sonnenaktivitat] (German) \\ ===== From Markus W. (20170514-2304) ===== ... Last week I was often in the library and found some weather-books and some poems by Christian Morgenstern. Hans Magnus Enzensberger wrote a lot of weather-poems too ("Natürliche Gedichte"). I also found a book about mount fuji ("Über die ziehenden Wolken - Der Fuji"). It's not that old book you told me about, but in the chapter "Natursymbolik in der japanischen Lyrik" are a lot of old japanese poems (waka). By the way: consistent symbols in japanese poetry:\\ springtime = cherry blossom - sakura; \\ summer = cuckoo - bototogisu; \\ autumn = moon - tsuki / red maple leaves - momiji; \\ winter = snow - yuki; \\ shiki - four seasons;)\\ I put your book-list and the books that I found (mostly in german) into an .xls-chart. In the following you can find some weather-web-links. I hope this will help: Karlsruher Wolkenatlas (photographs of clouds and weather): http://www.wolkenatlas.de/ \\ Weatherhistory, Weatherforcast, Weathercams, Weatherexikon: http://www.top-wetter.de/wetter/wetterhistorie.shtml \\ Weatherarchiv (Login needed): http://de.meteoarchive.com/de/wetterarchiv.html \\ Wolkenatlas: http://www.wolken-online.de/ \\ Another Wolkenatlas ;) (cloud of the month: Cumulus congestus pileus) http://userpage.fu-berlin.de/madlen22/wolkenquiz.php \\ Wetter Online (Youtube Channel - Weather Online) https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEHSAhzItg3sMONXAewVRpg \\ At sunrise I'll make some recordings. It is the last day of the "Eisheilgen - Cold Sophie". It was raining today, at night I can make some recordings of dripping water in my neighbourhood (there is a broken roof gutter). Last few days I have done a few recordings and pictures on different locations and times (recorded also some footsteps on mudd and stones - on a lakeside).