Hopfgarten (dam near Weimar) http://www.openstreetmap.org/search?query=50.9970%2C11.2088#map=15/50.9970/11.2088
05:30 a.m. - mostly clear, waxing moon (full moon 2017/05/10)
07:40 a.m. - clear, sunshine, + 12° C
06:00 p.m. - slightly cloudy, sunshine, + 21° C
The first of the five Eisheiligen (Icesaints) - The Holy Mamertius. It was a nice dry and warm morning at Hopfgarten (Thuringia), so that the coots had fun in the water.
The five memorial days:
11th of May - Mamertus, Bishop of Vienna
12th of May - Pankratius, early Christian Martyrs
13th of May - Servatius, Bishop of Tongeren
14th of May - Bonifatius (of Tarsus), early Christian Martyrs
15th of May - Sophia (of Rom), early Christian Martyrs and mother of three consecrated virgins
After Sophia the nights should remain warmer. It's best to wait with the planting (sensitive plants) until she has past.
As the popular german saying goes: „Die kalte Sophie macht alles hie“ (approximately: Cold Sophie makes everything broken)