In this section we are developing the blueprints for an instrument to measure the basic properties of sunlight, CO2 amounts, additional environmental information, air particles and other polutions.
For the moment we are looking into building a cheap and accurate mobile/portable device, and start working with data acquisition. This is the necessary technical part.
References, instructables:
In a second section the historical and contemporary cultural-artistic references will be commented.
In a third section the building up the 1-year installation is to be documented in its progress.
Additionally collaborations and references will be added. For the moment we are reading into the physics of light that is producing matter, land use and geo engineering issues. Soon a lot more about this all here…
contacts and development group:
current support
There are some explanations available online, that can function as an update to your basic knowledge of physcs:
If we want to acquire data we have to look into sensors that track the basic components of sunlight
sunlight = 1 UV light <0.8µm 2 infrared radiation >0.4µm 3 visible light <0.4-0.8µm>
There are also quite some phenomena that we can look into:
Of interest is the idea that all flora + fauna are influenced by a simple formula:
DayLength + CO2 = geological layers formed by it?
monthly meetings with specific subthemes, inviting each time another expert \\ monthly work sessions, inviting experts with necessary technical skills \\
The oldest principle seems to be measuring the temperature of a white and black ring in the sunlight. But nowadays there seem to be a lot of materials and designs for experimenting and making DIY measure tools.
Using an Arduino or Raspberry pi, the following ready to make designs are online available:
sparkfun VEML6075
LUX TSL-2561
color recognition TCS3200
infrared detection
CO2 sensors – MQ 135 (may be too inaccurate)
ozone sensors
dust particles
BME280 I2C or SPI Temperature Humidity Pressure Sensor
more partially interesting things (interesting combination UV gas temp/hum)
cloud sensor (expensive)
solar operated rpi
First test and introduction: RPI sunlight sensing project
… and if we need to add a weather station (wind dir/speed temp hum barometer CO2 particles) expand use maybe a peer-to-peer network with arduinos and raspberry pis and a homeserver? (ask gepeto and dom)
expand the 'studio as organizm (Kra-Sao)' and the Tube-Observatory with mobile units (to be placed in several places):