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Sounds for Martin Janíček's WaterMirror in Troja (Praha, CZ)

Martin Janíček asked in October 2024 to make a device that plays the sound of water on his public sculpture in the park around the castle in Troja 7. The experiment lasted some months, extending an ESP32 with a sd-card reader, a small amplifier, bone conductor, a day/night interruptor, a voltage controller and solar panel. The coding was done in the Arduino IDE, and simply loops the soundfiles on the sd-card. The transducer is attached to the metal sculpture and produces the water sound. In the end the solar solution was skipped and a 3.7V net adapter was used instead. We liked the idea of the water volume being controlled by the amount of sunlight. The sculpture would be silent in the night, on darker days and parts of winter, but Martin preferred the audience to hear it any moment they would walk in the park. The choice of the artist always wins of course, but I am mentioning it here as part of the experiments we did.

watermirror.1724925105.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/08/29 11:51 by givanbela