WindClock III development:
set up a constant connection with python, websockets, html5 (got stuck here for some time)
add waterproof temperature and ambient light sensors, went fine
make the first wind capturing object (the rodchenko inspiraLtion)
make sonification/visualisation in python on the pi (py-sound+leds)
max-msp: websockets receive, basic synthesis modules
subtractive noise filter
additive fm
karplus strong
granular, phase vocoding, …
some machine learning on the data
Weather Reports recording, describing, imagining, synthesis:
working now on, how to add GPX tracks in layers, and put all the material there
edit and upload this month's recordings
make night recordings, walking in the snow, hear frogs and crickets, birds, wind
night pictures add, descriptions invent
Managing Creativity:
travels: brno (babuta, soña) and bratislava (jonas, monika, slavo, miro), athens (pre-opening)
financial status and overview
WindClock III prototype, probably with a cheaper Teensy technology
multiplace server connect all