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nopamphlets [2023/12/22 13:27] givanbelanopamphlets [2024/02/06 10:03] (current) givanbela
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 ===== Notes for Pamphlets I don't want to write anymore ===== ===== Notes for Pamphlets I don't want to write anymore =====
-//In the bedroom next to the architect table (40 years ago, a friend was cleaning up a house and the owner, the writer Hugo Claus, wanted to get rid of it, the pedal to raise the desk doesn't work anymore and one day all the oil ran out) there is a box full of notes, from the last months only. The notes are moslty written on old envelopes, the backs of receipts, commercial flyers they still drop in the mailbox (for instance when they are selling chicken in the village). In the attic there are many more boxes, full of notes from the last 40 years. Many boxes disappeared. That happens when you are moving across Europe too much and too far. What is left, including the box next to Claus' table, will probably never be read. Today we are having apps to make notes, on phones, tablets and computers. Much easier to combine with pictures, recordings, spoken and sung by others, or just sound happening around, plans and schemes, drawings, etc and now I became a writer like everyone just endlessly and at every moment of the day creating data //+//In the bedroom next to the architect table (40 years ago, a friend was cleaning up a house and the owner, the writer Hugo Claus, wanted to get rid of it, the pedal to raise the desk didn't work anymore and one day all the oil ran out) there is a box full of notes, from the last months only. The notes are moslty written on old envelopes, the backs of receipts, commercial flyers they still drop in the mailbox (for instance when they are selling chicken in the village). In the attic there are many more boxes, full of notes from the last 40 years. Many boxes disappeared. That happens when you are moving across Europe too much and too far. What is left, including the box next to Claus' table, will probably never be read. Today we are having apps to make notes, on phones, tablets and computers. Much easier to combine with pictures, recordings, spoken and sung by others, or just sound happening around, plans and schemes, drawings, etc and now I became a writer like everyone just endlessly and at every moment of the day creating data //
 1. **Auto eroticism and sound art**  1. **Auto eroticism and sound art** 
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-28. The radical Left around 1980+28. **The radical Left around 1980**
    they were right about the capitalist intentions    they were right about the capitalist intentions
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    what's next to come?     what's next to come? 
-29. Song for the people we lost this year and for the people who felt lost too+29. **Song for the people we lost this year and for the people who felt lost too**
    the only thing left to do is    the only thing left to do is
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    tomorrow    tomorrow
-30. The accident+30. **The accident**
    it happened some years ago and don't know how    it happened some years ago and don't know how
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    but also something else seems to have changed in     but also something else seems to have changed in 
    relationships towards others and getting annoyed with    relationships towards others and getting annoyed with
-   stabilising repetition and habit formation  +   stabilizing repetitions in habit formation there 
-   or maybe it is time going by and we were just  +   or maybeit is time going by and we were just  
-   in general fed up with society's fixation  +   in general fed up with society's fixation on preservation  
-   on preservation and control, instead of laissez-faire +   and control, with a constantly decreasing dynamism 
-   against the decreasing dynamism and creativity +   instead of a new climate of laissez faireand openness
    but, then it has nothing to do with the accident    but, then it has nothing to do with the accident
    and we don't have to remake Marinetti's car crash     and we don't have to remake Marinetti's car crash 
-   and never write manifesto anymore+   and never write any manifesto any more
 +31. **Where are the ideologies?**
 +   maybe political divisions as we see them emerge throughout the world
 +   are not to be understood in old ideological terms like right vs. left
 +   maybe these are new expressions of dynamical pragmatic visions 
 +   attempting to control the distribution of power, industrial resources, media, etc 
 +   and align them with the new constructions of mythological etnicity and nationalism? 
 +   they can only be satisfactory of all of them are in the middle, 
 +   and no opposition to this contradictory monolith is possible anymore
 +   (how else can socialists march with nationalists with liberals and the green?)
 +32. **Writing**
 +   don't try to rewrite or rephrase history from your own position
 +   there is a fair chance you are talking next to the point
 +33. **Air**
 +   hold your breath
 +   but not for too long
 +   or it gets
 +   pathetic
 +34. **The Fool**
 +   to label, to number, to list up
 +   is already like giving in to the domination
 +   of logical hierarchies, causality
 +   and the reversal of purpose and means
 +   (Oh! what a fool I am!)
nopamphlets.1703248048.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/12/22 13:27 by givanbela