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Notes for Pamphlets I don't want to write anymore
In the bedroom next to the architect table (40 years ago, a friend was cleaning up a house and the owner, the writer Hugo Claus, wanted to get rid of it, the pedal to raise the desk doesn't work anymore and one day all the oil ran out) there is a box full of notes, from the last months only. The notes are moslty written on old envelopes, the backs of receipts, commercial flyers they still drop in the mailbox (for instance when they are selling chicken in the village). In the attic there are many more boxes, full of notes from the last 40 years. Many boxes disappeared. That happens when you are moving across Europe too much and too far. What is left, including the box next to Claus' table, will probably never be read. Today we are having apps to make notes, on phones, tablets and computers. Much easier to combine with pictures, recordings, spoken and sung by others, or just sound happening around, plans and schemes, drawings, etc and now I became a writer like everyone just endlessly and at every moment of the day creating data
1. Auto eroticism and sound art
or the obsession of humans to enjoy exclusive human made noise/sound and their own species' activities: somehow we have to change creative strategy after years being inspired by accidental situations we found ourselves in towards chosing more diverse environments that are more representative for our future expressivity, the only way we seem to make sense of this timely world
2. New Songwriting
A: Would you ever have time to make a song that does(n't) change the world? B: Why a song? A: Because half of the world’s population will be myopic by 2050.
3. The inescapable conservatism of (most of) art today
Artists never have the intention to change the art world bend or cross its regulations and rules, or change its interactions Apart from a protected exclusive self-evaluation arts' society supporters (creators and providers, distributors and promotors, managers and agents, organizers and curators, sellers and buyers, visitors) remain radically pragmatic and for that reason will deny vehemently this conservative nature of all actors, forms, content, media That is how a never to be realized promise can survive to secure the persistence and resilience of a global **MaUSolEUM** of selected and preserved artifacts over time decaying as material but inversely proportional increasing in value forever
4. Creativity and Evolution
Maybe the only way to understand creativity is to link it to the imagination, a possibility to structure predictions, change this dynamically and forget it all selectively when or because it is not needed anymore. Both sex drive (humans as poseurs) and archive (persistence to impress) as well as media (the aesthetics of communication) can play a role, while importance is relative. Hey Darwin, maybe here is your missing link between survival strategies and beauty as randomness?
Interludium 1 Maybe Einstein was right! And rotating black holes are stable?
5. Restoration to Renovation, Renewal and Innovation
What was the failure of Modernism? Only the boring dominant obsession with straight lines, minimalism? Why was postmodernism so sad and ugly? Only the kitsch and decorations lacking character?
6. It's better not to write anymore
Too much has been written before It makes everything senseless It's better not to write anything Anymore Consumes less materials and energy You see, the ecological agrees as well it is better in the end
7. The genetics of change
A: About 330 billion cells are replaced in a human body DAILY that is almost a new person every 80 days. B: Good thing, but how come most of the people are so conservative? Probably people's cells and their dreams do contradict with social renewal Scary... A: It is a mystery B: When I wrote "scary" i was just thinking about the tendency of a conservative environment to impose an uniform moral judgement on all aspects of society behaviour, also as a major standard for evaluation of expressivity If one tries to fight this you are doomed for sure Both č. and k. in their re/actions seem to walk in line with expectations, scary The conformisation is scarily including opposites, without allowing for anything deviant or innovative A: Have you noticed that people we met 20 years ago think we are still the same? B: How many politicians have ever changed conservative views for progressive ones?
8. Jouhatsu
and slowly over night we all become one complex amorphous but radiating mingled being only to disintegrate in the morning, to have breakfast and go to work as 2 split off half forms each part occupied by different external schemes (though still the nightly sensations are lingering on as an inescapable memory) we are not here but we are here have you also noticed getting older that one easily becomes sort of 'unseen' it's fine, most of the time it is a relief
Interludium 2 Why the social emancipation ideas behind the Commune de Paris (1870-71) are still not realized today
Interludium 3 Something to watch and wonder about:
Gustavo Petro's climate speech in the UN
9. The Last Art
there is this feeling that art is over, done it has been enough and was around for too long especially last century it became clear that no one knew what new to do anymore these days what else remains than some mere decorative objects integrating fast with design and illustration then there is enough in museums and galleries that allow for the leisure and fun of a one day visit to send to friends and unknowns some one liners about on social media with an occasional vertical picture from the phone
10. Let's Play
till now sound and music was considered a matter of humans among one another part of the competition of domination of an environment from just around till a magistral vision of the whole earth the immediate atmosphere, to block one another but also entirely what is considered life, biotics and abiotica, and soon including biologics (as we learned a new word from the USA military indicating extraterrestrials) let's change it fundamentally and from now on only make music within the structure of the surroundings but conform to the rich existing patterns of bio and geosound phenomena: just listen and dig in, accompany, never go solo let's play, also with the ones who don't know how to play recoding has to happen in the first place from within ourselves and remember always that there is no way back
11. Introspection
maybe there is no believing in the right/wrong explanation maybe morality doesn't exist (wondering for 40 years about it already) maybe we are just afraid of admitting we are no one and nothing to be stuck in the boredom of being alive without a purpose like all other bío and abio maybe that's the thing that drives us to senseless killing music, humanitarian aid, broadcasting, pollution, affection, and more who will tell
12. Borders in cultural attitudes, the manufacturing of Metaphysics
also don't write about: * historical Christianity and Puritanism as a cultural outcome, following the solar border through Europe * eko-anarchism and the centralized state, autonomy and submission * forgiveness, punishment and the production of guilt * political diversity, historical tax system remnants, social care * metastasis or the production of cells, the creation of bodies till societies, to escape and be part of
13. Storytelling
the others were getting impatient they seemed lost in his kaleidoscopes and meandering details they wanted a fact, a target, a straight line, a point he wanted to show that circumstances were as important as the events maybe there was no end sometimes he could not remember a beginning anymore he could only continue till they shut him up or walked out
Interludium 4 The New Politician style = self-willed, historically and geographically blind, arrogant, but most of all making contradictory statements in the media with intentional stupidity
Interludium 5 In the Ghent city dialect, to forgive and to poison are the same word: “vergeven”
14. The Physics of Rainfall
there is a difference between the sound of raindrops falling on roof tiles window panes and uncountable leaves, soil or uneven stones and its ever-changing hissing, while its delicate smells linger on how to measure raindrop size and rainfall rate, its direction how to weigh the mass of a single raindrop (0.004mg to 300mg) and how to estimate its speed (9.8m/s to 13m/s) where does it come from, really from 2000m high? the end of all our onomatopoeic words bubble, burble, gargle, gurgle, plop pitter-patter, slosh, splash, splosh splatter, sputter, swoosh, or tinkle this is the end of listening
15. Creativity is so weird but nothing special
Read all about it: **Pareidolia** is the tendency for perception to impose a meaningful interpretation on a nebulous stimulus usually visual, so that one sees an object, pattern, or meaning where there is none Also the **Kahlbaum's syndrome** is a catatonic symptom characterized by continuous and purposeless rhythmic repetition of words and sentences that are meaningless or insignificant (also echolalia)
16. To forgive and to forget
Forgiveness becomes obsolete When you understand the other Even an apology is not needed When you can see the changes And understand
Forgotten that After 20 years and more Of distance There would not be Alienation
22. XXI Rurality
leaving the cities behind, one has to be prepared for the emptiness while it needs time to adjust to its richness and beauty, meantime as an artist you become part of a kind of minority, excluded forgotten while returning to the city for any reason becomes after a couple of days sort of unbearable, so you return to be surrounded by the isolated others (the fate of humans: not to be able to communicate with other species)
23. Characters
While travelling * woman with dog (c'mon Eddy, she said) * nun with a baseball cap (reading and having an internal monologue) * Franz und Manfred (repeating one another, with gradual changes in the conversation) * older woman with the irregular sounding cracking telephone (Nordhausen! Crkrcjkrc! Beep!) * spanish mother and daughter (describing a passerby saying immer blöde immer blöde) * a man in a wheelchair fainting (hanging in my arms and helped by an asian girl) * two men on the rolling stairs in the metro (going through my pockets and stealing my library card)
Interludium 6 Beautiful Product
24. Reco[R]dings
field recordings becoming //recodings//: * using smart apps for analysis and recognition of species in field recordings * working on it with new creative tools e.g. descriptor based synthesis * ask other people: make a citizen involved science-art
25. The sarcasm of the jester
... out of fashion today!
26. Message from The Geriatric Art Club
maybe it's time to go (really) underground for a couple of years or longer and hope to wake up in a new century With new sounds new movements new behaviours new thoughts new beauty Let's tell the government these kids should get young teachers only And kick them out of education once they are 21 to give them the freedom to experiment and change a world don't get it wrong: we honour the past but if even avant-garde and alternative art keeps regenerating retro-wise mythologies then culture will keep producing a gradually more conservative and cleansed society with extreme rightist thinking rulers/artists/organizers/etc maybe I am barking up the wrong tree
27. Two words about climate change after 2050
28. The radical Left around 1980
they were right about the capitalist intentions the breakdown of social security the privatisation of all the arts education pension funds health care transport etc... the end of the autonomy of science what's next to come?
29. Song for the people we lost this year and for the people who felt lost too
the only thing left to do is sit outside and cry together it is the end of song itself there is no music when there is only crying left and what's the weather like tomorrow
30. The accident
it happened some years ago and don't know how amnesia set in so don't ask the details a double salto and lying on the road upside down since then at any moment an emotional reaction occurs never happened before or maybe these things were not remembered either or were just indifferent but also something else seems to have changed in relationships towards others and getting annoyed with stabilizing repetitions in habit formation there or maybe, it is time going by and we were just in general fed up with society's fixation on preservation and control, with a constantly decreasing dynamism instead of a new climate of laissez faire, and openness but, then it has nothing to do with the accident and we don't have to remake Marinetti's car crash and never write any manifesto any more