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The setup would be a combination of 4 different units, set up across the BBQ area at Tempelhof. Each unit would fit in with the BBQ and radio sets around, adding some live musicians on the spot(s)…
Vitrine/BBQ Interactives
- Raspberry Pi 2 or 3 with soundcard in/out and some sensors
- BME680 = temperature, pressure, humidity, air quality sensor
- PM2.5 Air Quality Sensor
- enviro pHAT
- mpr121 capacitive/touch sensor (12)
- 3D tracking and gesture, RGB sensors
- software: python, puredata
- lcd displej and a bluetooth reproduktor
Walking Synthesis
- Teensy + Prop shield (6DOF + 2 watt amp)
- all weather speaker 2-4 watt
- the megaphones (sd-card, record/loop, voice, aux)
SDR = software defined radio
Lately our mood turned into a quick live setup in the middle of the BBQ area with self-built devices: 4 split-stereo channels transmitted by 4 raspberry pi radio transmitters, received on 8 portable radios, mobile phones, tablets, … It is all working easily on usb-batteries with(out) a solar panel. A piece for green low voltage power and live musicians: let's go to Tempelhof and just play it! But how how how?
succourtechnics.1528360118.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/06/07 10:28 by givanbela