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The setup would be a combination of 4 different units, set up across the BBQ area at Tempelhof. Each unit would fit in with the BBQ and radio sets around, adding some live musicians on the spot(s)… For the plan or scores see SuccourScore0
Vitrine/BBQ Interactives
- Raspberry Pi 2 or 3 with soundcard in/out and some sensors
- BME680 = temperature, pressure, humidity, air quality sensor
- PM2.5 Air Quality Sensor
- enviro pHAT
- mpr121 capacitive/touch sensor (12)
- 3D tracking and gesture, RGB sensors
- software: python, puredata
- lcd displej and a bluetooth reproduktor
Walking Synthesis
- Teensy + Prop shield (6DOF + 2 watt amp)
- all weather speaker 2-4 watt
- the megaphones (sd-card, record/loop, voice, aux)
SDR = software defined radio
Lately our mood turned into a quick live setup in the middle of the BBQ area with self-built devices: 4 split-stereo channels transmitted by 4 raspberry pi radio transmitters, received on 8 portable radios, mobile phones, tablets, … It is all working easily on usb-batteries with(out) a solar panel. A piece for green low voltage power and live musicians: let's go to Tempelhof and just play it! But how how how?
succourtechnics.1528360296.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/06/07 10:31 by givanbela