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Table of Contents
The Marching Arts
Experimental times are finally back! Now the roaring twenties have fully started with an initial introspective period alone at home. There was a time to think and learn, but now is the time to come outside and explore. And create new aesthetical experiences with all the exciting new things we can (not) imagine. In search of new forms, shapes, colours and flavours, disruptions and redefined connections, new ideas of creativity. Art is back on its feet, kicking and jumping around! Let's walk, dance, sing and play together on new DIY instruments, in shared choreographies. Outdoors or virtual, let art move about…
From June till August 2021 you can participate in the following online workshops:
- New tools for performing together, internet connected (and how to feel physically close at a geographic distance).
- Singing with birds across distances. Interactive score generation (but what scores do we really need?).
- LOVMI: low voltage music instruments. IOT & antyinstrumenty (for a New Normal Multidisciplinary Marching Band).
- Dva Metri: how new science insights provide new ways of dancing together, virus free (or square and other shape dancing).
A Summer Program
1. Streaming Technologies
As part of the development of The Marching Arts, the first work sessions are rather technical and meant to bring define skills and communication for the more content driven sessions later in the program.
Joint music sessions online - 202206:24-27
Participants: Krzysztof Topolski, Michal Mitro, Slavo Krekovic, Sara Pinhiero
Host: KRA's Gívan Belá
- Low-latency and uncompressed Peer-to-Peer streaming with Sonobus and Jamulus (configurations, features, try-outs), VST3 plug-ins and interapplication, multichannel set-ups, and modem/router configuration for portforwarding.
- Icecast streaming with multichannel configuration patching in Pure Data (purr-data) via Multiplace and Locusonus servers, android apps.
- Lazy Sunday Afternoon Concert: TMA#K1
2. Ideas for Electro Digital Acoustic Marching Bands
The BioFeetPack: IOT sensors for sound
The Extended MegaPhones: messaging around
3. BirdSong Followers
BirdSongs, Field Recordings and Perceptual Analyses
Sound structures or playing with dynamics and forms
Smarter than us systems
Harmonia Ruina, or far-from-equilibrium choirs
4. Dva Metri, a new normal dance
New forms of participation in music by dancing in new interactions and trajectories, the DvaMetri approach